I am beyond scared for the future of humanity right now.. I hope I'm not alone and I hope someone else out there is thinking the same thing. We are SO living in the final dispensation you guys.. Lets review..
Earthquake in Haiti
Earthquake in Chili
Earthquake in Japan
Earthquake in Turkey
For the First time in history, a bill was passed without the voters being able to read the 2700 page bill! House representatives said "Yes Obama, we trust you with whatever so here's our votes!" The only thing we knew about this bill was that it would be giving health insurance to millions of Americans. But who are we talking about covering here? People who don't work. NOT people that CAN'T work, but people who are capable and who just don't. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of Americans that deserve health insurance and work hard for it and just can't get it any other way, but how do you separate those people from the people who will be completely dependent on government programs and rob the working America? Guess what? You don't! There is no difference anymore! Meaning if you have a job and try to feed your family the old-fashioned way, you will also be feeding family A and family B and family C who don't work the old-fashioned way and just sit back and take advantage of the "Obama plan". Now that THAT is out of the way, if you're still comfortable with this bill passing read on.
Its called a single-payer-system. For someone who doesn't fully comprehend this concept, it means, in a nut shell, that the government will have CONTROL over ALL health care when before they had ZERO control over health care. There are a couple of things that this bill has in store for our country..
1. The government will have COMPLETE CONTROL over 1/6th of the country's entire economy. (But they've been doing a great job keeping us out of debt before right?? Maybe they just need all this power to prove themselves.. gag)
2. When you buy your federally mandated, IRS enforced - either by penalty of a fine or imprisonment - health care insurance you may be buying from an insurance company that will donate a portion of what you spend for your insurance to a special fund to help pay for abortions. It is now mandatory that certain insurance carriers provide a portion of what you pay them for health care coverage to a special abortion fund – Stupak’s hastily scribbled hall pass aside, this is now law.
3. There is no special fund for Breast Cancer
4. There is no special fund for Heart Disease
5. There is no special fund for Diabetes or MS
6. There is ONLY a special fund to pay for abortions
7. Tanning? Apparently Democrats want us all to be pasty for some reason…if you frequently use tanning salons, you will pay a 10% excise tax.
8. Pharmaceutical companies will be allowed to pass a $3 billion annual fee on to you, the consumer, in the form of more expensive drugs and medication.
9. About those fines – Citizens who don’t purchase insurance would be subject to a fine of $325 in 2015 and $695 in 2016. Individuals may be subject to a charge equal to as much as 2.5 percent of their income in 2016.
10. The Medicare program will see $500 billion in cuts to its program along with the Medicare tax being raised.
11. Doctors and hospitals will receive less compensation than they do now to control revenue streams.
12. Here’s a really sneaky tax “increase” – if you itemize your tax returns, the deductible for medical expenses will change. You will only be allowed to deduct medical expenses in excess of 10% of your adjusted gross income. Currently that number is 7.5%.
There are so many more random taxes that will go into place that I just don't have the patience to type right now. If you think this bill is the right thing to do after reading all the facts presented, that's really frightening.
All I can say is to my fellow Latter-Day Saints, What has the prophet and his apostles been telling us for YEARS now?? Food storage! Pay your tithing! I, especially right now, am starting to get scared into doing those things. Who knows what a loaf of bread will cost in the next year.. My prayer is that we stay close to what matters.
Ugh... I hate this. But I totally agree on the being scared part... The second coming is most definitely on it's way... we are headed down, and fast.