
Milo's Home!

We've been home for 8 days and I am loving every minute!
Milo does the cutest things to make me smile..
He coos and hums and holds my finger when I feed him
He looks me right in the eyes and smiles really big
He stretches like his daddy
He sleeps the best when he's on my chest
He calms right down when I tell him its ok
He could win any competition that involves peeing the farthest
He loves baths which is amazing because he is so cute in the bath!
He can lift his head up longer and longer every day!
That's just to name a few..
Being a mom is the most joyful and challenging thing I get to do with my life.
I am so worried I could do one small mistake and regret it for eternity..
Does that happen to moms?
Just curious... :S
I'm really bad at taking pictures which is shocking I know!
But here is a cute picture of him right out of the bath in the CUTEST monster towel :]
The picture soooo doesn't do this justice.. Sorry!
Better ones coming asap!
Bottom line is..
I love Milo!
And I love being a Mommy!
And I love that Mike is such a good Daddy! <3
The End.

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